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25 May 2024

World Children's Day: Celebrating the Little Lights of Our World

Hey everyone! Did you know there's a brand new day dedicated entirely to the amazing little people in our lives? Yep, that's right – on May 25th and 26th, 2024, we celebrate the very first World Children's Day!

This year's theme, "Behold, I make all things new" (Rev 21:5), reminds us of the fresh perspective and hope that children bring to our world. Pope Francis himself weighed in with a special message, calling children "a source of joy" and "a sign of every person's desire to grow and flourish." Pretty powerful stuff, right?

Raising Tiny Titans in a Tech World

We all know raising kids is no walk in the park. But in today's digital age, things can get even trickier. Sure, technology offers tons of cool learning opportunities, but it can also expose them to things they're just not ready for. That's where parents come in – their guidance is more important than ever.

Barrister Mrs Virginia Mudimu, a wise mom and guardian from Zimbabwe, hits the nail on the head: parents need to spend quality time with their kids, not just hand them a phone or TV as a babysitter.

Remembering Those Left Behind

World Children's Day isn't just about celebrating our own little ones. Pope Francis reminds us of the countless children facing hardship and illness, some even robbed of their childhoods entirely. Let's keep them in our hearts and find ways to make a difference, big or small.

The Secret Weapon: Prayer

Here's a special secret from Pope Francis himself: prayer is a powerful tool for children (and adults too!). It connects us to something bigger than ourselves and brings peace and joy. Teaching your child to pray is a priceless gift you can give them.

Let's Celebrate and Protect Our Precious Children

As we celebrate World Children's Day, let's commit to creating a world where all children feel loved, protected, and empowered to reach their full potential. After all, they are the future, and the future looks pretty bright with them in it!

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