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19 May 2024

Wild Faith and Fun: The Call Ministries Takes UNO to Pentecost Vigil

The Call Ministries brought a little extra colour to the Pentecost Vigil at St. Publius Church, hosted by Archbishop Charles Scicluna. You might be wondering why a youth group showed up with a deck of UNO cards for such a solemn occasion.

The UNO game can turn out to be a powerful tool for sharing the message of faith and fellowship!

Lessons from a Simple Card Game

  • Playing Your Hand: Life deals us all unique situations, just like the random cards in UNO. The key is to be adaptable and make the most of the gifts God has bestowed upon us.
  • A Rainbow of Faith: UNO celebrates a vibrant spectrum of colours. Similarly, the Church welcomes people from all walks of life, reflecting the beautiful tapestry of God's creation.
  • Patience is a Virtue: Waiting for your turn can be tough, but just like in UNO, good things come to those who wait in faith. Trust in God's timing.
  • Wild Cards for God: Be open to thinking outside the box and using your unique talents to serve God and your community.
  • Winning Together: Sometimes, the best move is a Skip card or a Draw Two, giving someone else a chance to shine. Just like the Holy Spirit empowers each disciple, we can all support each other on our faith journeys.

The Holy Spirit: The Ultimate Wild Card!

We also see parallels between UNO and the Holy Spirit:

  • Unique Gifts: The Holy Spirit equips us with unique gifts, just like a random hand in UNO. We each have something special to offer the Church.
  • Unity in Diversity: The vibrant colours of UNO represent the vast array of people in the Church. Yet, the Holy Spirit unites us all under one God.
  • Spreading the Good News: Just like using the right card at the right time can lead to victory in UNO, the Holy Spirit guides us to share our faith and bring others closer to God.

Feeling Inspired? Join The Call Ministries!

The Call Ministries has a place for you. We believe in using creativity and joy to share the message of God's love. Come join us for our next event, and who knows, maybe we'll even break out the UNO deck again :)

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