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30 April 2023

Finding Rest in Him

Today I want to talk about something that's incredibly important in our busy and chaotic lives: finding rest. We live in a world that's always on the go, where we're constantly bombarded with messages, notifications, and demands on our time and attention. It can be exhausting and overwhelming, and it's easy to feel like we're never truly at rest. But the good news is that Jesus offers us a way to find true rest in him.

In John 10:1-10, Jesus says that he is the gate for the sheep. He says that anyone who enters through him will be saved and will find pasture. He goes on to say that he came so that his sheep may have life and have it abundantly. I believe that this passage has a lot to teach us about finding rest in Jesus.

First of all, notice that Jesus calls us his sheep. Sheep are creatures that need a lot of care and attention. They need to be led to pasture where they can graze and rest. They need protection from predators and from wandering off and getting lost. In other words, sheep are creatures that need a shepherd. And that's exactly what Jesus is for us. He is our good shepherd who cares for us and leads us to rest.

But notice also that Jesus says that he is the gate. He is the way through which we enter into rest. And what does it mean to enter through the gate? I believe that it means surrendering our lives to Jesus, trusting him completely, and following him wherever he leads us. It means letting go of our own agendas and ambitions and submitting to his will for our lives.

When we enter through the gate of Jesus, we find salvation and pasture. We find the rest that we so desperately need. But notice that Jesus also says that he came so that we may have life and have it abundantly. In other words, Jesus doesn't just give us rest so that we can be comfortable and complacent. He gives us rest so that we can be energized and empowered to live the full and abundant life that he has for us.

So what does it look like to find rest in Jesus? I believe that it starts with surrendering our lives to him and trusting him completely. It means recognizing that we can't do everything on our own and that we need his help and guidance. It means making time for prayer, worship, and reading the Bible, so that we can be filled with his presence and truth. And it means taking care of ourselves physically, emotionally, and spiritually, so that we can be healthy and whole.

Finding rest in Jesus is not always easy. It requires us to let go of our own agendas and desires and to trust him completely. But the reward is worth it. When we find rest in Jesus, we find salvation, pasture, and abundant life. So let's enter through the gate of Jesus and find the rest that we so desperately need.

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