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31 March 2023

Great lessons we learn from Mary, Our Lady of Sorrows.


"Our Lady of Sorrows" refers to the Virgin Mary in her role as the mother of Jesus Christ, who suffered greatly during his crucifixion. Here are some lessons we can learn from her:

Perseverance in the face of suffering: Mary endured immense sorrow and pain throughout her life, including witnessing her son's crucifixion. However, she did not give up or lose faith in God. Instead, she continued to trust in God's plan and persevere through her suffering.

Compassion for others: Despite her own suffering, Mary had great empathy for others who were also experiencing pain and loss. She is often portrayed as a source of comfort and strength for those who seek her intercession.

Humility and obedience: Mary is revered for her humility and obedience to God's will. She willingly accepted her role as the mother of Jesus and obeyed God's commands, even when they were difficult or painful.

Trust in God's plan: Mary's unwavering faith in God's plan for her life and the lives of her loved ones is a lesson for us all. Even in the face of great tragedy, she trusted that God was in control and had a greater purpose for her suffering.

Motherly love: Mary's devotion to her son, Jesus, and her willingness to stand by him even in his darkest hour is a testament to the power of motherly love. Her example inspires us to love and care for those around us, even in the most challenging circumstances.

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