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10 August 2023

Saint Gaetano di Thiene: Pioneering Church Reform and Inspiring Spiritual Renewal

St. Gaetano di Thiene, also known as Saint Cajetan or Gaetano dei Conti di Thiene, was an Italian Catholic priest and religious reformer. He was born on October 1, 1480, in Vicenza, Italy, into an aristocratic family. He is best known as the founder of the Theatines, a religious order aimed at promoting reform within the Catholic Church and fostering a spirit of apostolic poverty and devotion.

Early Life and Education:

Gaetano came from a wealthy and influential family. He received an excellent education in the humanities and law, studying at the University of Padua.

Despite his education and the prospects of a prestigious career, Gaetano felt a strong call to dedicate his life to God and the service of the Church.

Religious Reformation and Founding of Theatines:

In the early 16th century, Gaetano became increasingly concerned about the moral and spiritual decline within the Church. He sought to address these issues through personal holiness and by encouraging the clergy to embrace a more fervent and apostolic way of life.

In 1524, Gaetano was ordained a priest and began to gather like-minded individuals who shared his vision of reform. These individuals included priests, laypeople, and even some members of the nobility.

In collaboration with his companions, Gaetano founded the Congregation of Clerics Regular of Divine Providence, commonly known as the Theatines, in 1524. The Theatines were dedicated to a life of poverty, apostolic work, and spiritual renewal.

Work and Legacy:

The Theatine Order emphasized a return to the evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity, and obedience, along with a commitment to prayer and pastoral ministry. They also sought to counteract the corruption and decadence that had become prevalent in the Church.

Gaetano's leadership and emphasis on humility, prayer, and self-sacrifice helped the Theatines grow and spread throughout Italy and beyond. He actively participated in preaching and providing spiritual guidance.

St. Gaetano's influence extended beyond his own order. He worked to support the efforts of other reformers, such as St. Charles Borromeo, and was recognized for his dedication to the renewal of the Church.

He passed away on August 7, 1547, in Naples, Italy. He was canonized as a saint by Pope Clement X in 1671.

St. Gaetano's contributions to the Catholic Church were significant, particularly in fostering a spirit of reform, apostolic poverty, and pastoral dedication. His Theatine Order continues to exist and contribute to the Church's mission to this day. St. Gaetano is often depicted in religious art wearing the habit of the Theatines, holding a crucifix, and being accompanied by a lily, symbolizing his purity and devotion.

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