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17 March 2024

Embracing True Glory: Reflections on Pope Francis' Message for Lent


In his recent address, the Holy Father invites us to ponder the essence of glory, particularly as exemplified by the ultimate act of love: Jesus' sacrifice on the Cross.

Picture this: It's the fifth Sunday of Lent, a time when we're drawing nearer to the solemnity of Holy Week. Jesus, in the Gospel passage, speaks of His impending Crucifixion, revealing a profound truth—that true glory is not found in worldly success or acclaim, but in the selfless act of giving oneself fully for the sake of love.

At first glance, the Cross may seem like a symbol of defeat—a stark contrast to what we typically associate with glory. Yet, Jesus reveals that His glory, and that of the Father, shines most brightly in the midst of suffering and sacrifice. It's a radical notion, one that challenges our conventional understanding of greatness.

For God, glory isn't about accolades or power; it's about love—unconditional, sacrificial love. It's about giving oneself completely, without reservation, for the sake of others. And where better to witness this divine love in action than on the Cross, where Jesus offered Himself as a gift for the redemption of humanity?

As we reflect on these profound truths, Pope Francis urges us to reconsider our own notions of glory. Do we seek recognition and applause, or do we embrace the path of giving and forgiveness? True glory, he reminds us, is found in acts of generosity and mercy—traits that reflect the very nature of God.

In a world obsessed with self-promotion and material gain, the call to embrace a different kind of glory—a glory rooted in selflessness and compassion—may seem counter-cultural. But it's precisely in giving and forgiving that we become vessels of God's grace, illuminating the world with His love and mercy.

So, dear friends, as we journey through Lent and approach the Paschal mystery, let us heed the words of Pope Francis and strive for a glory that transcends worldly measures. Let us follow in the footsteps of Mary, who stood faithfully at the foot of the Cross, and become living reflections of Christ's love in our words and actions.

May we, like Mary, embody the essence of true glory—selfless giving and boundless forgiveness—as we journey ever closer to the heart of God. Buongiorno and blessings to you all!

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