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20 October 2023

Balancing Earthly and Spiritual Duties: A Reflection on Matthew 22:15-21

Greetings, and welcome to another moment of spiritual reflection. Today, we are exploring a passage from the Gospel of Matthew, where Jesus teaches us about the delicate balance between our earthly responsibilities and our spiritual calling.

In the Midst of Challenge

In Matthew 22:15-21, the religious leaders confront Jesus with a question about paying taxes to Caesar. Their intentions were far from pure, as they aimed to trap Him with their inquiry. But as always, Jesus responded with profound wisdom.

Balancing Earthly and Spiritual Duties - Striking the Perfect Harmony

In our everyday lives, we often find ourselves in a constant juggle between our earthly responsibilities and our spiritual obligations. Our duties extend to our families, our communities, and society at large. However, we are also recipients of a higher calling – a call to serve God, live out our faith, and follow His teachings.

"Give to Caesar What Belongs to Caesar" - Acknowledging Civic Responsibilities

Jesus' response, "Give back to Caesar what is Caesar's," underscores the importance of fulfilling our civic responsibilities. As citizens of this world, we must pay taxes, adhere to the law, and exhibit exemplary conduct as neighbours and contributors to society.

"Give to God What Belongs to God" - Fulfilling Our Spiritual Obligations

While earthly duties are essential, Jesus' words, "And give to God what is God's," serve as a reminder of our divine connection. We belong to God, and it is our sacred duty to give Him our hearts, our love, our worship, and our service.

Living Out Our Faith - More than Sunday Worship

As Catholics, we are called to embody our faith in every facet of our lives. It's not limited to attending Mass on Sundays but extends to how we treat one another, how we serve our communities, and our unceasing pursuit of becoming the best versions of ourselves.

Our Mission - Applying the Lesson to Our Ministry

In light of our mission statement as a voluntary organisation, we can see the practical application of this message in our ministries. We are forging a close-knit family within 'The Call Ministries,' fostering strong bonds and unwavering support. Simultaneously, we are igniting our faith, discovering our purpose, and making a positive impact in our world.

In conclusion, let us be mindful of Jesus' words in Matthew 22:15-21. Striking a balance between earthly and spiritual duties is a noble endeavour. By giving to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God, we can lead a life that exemplifies our faith and makes a significant difference in our world.

May the wisdom of this teaching guide your journey as you navigate the intricate path of faith and citizenship. Amen.

Thank you for taking the time to reflect with us today.

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