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16 April 2023

Peace be with you


Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Today we turn our attention to the 19th verse of the 20th chapter of the Gospel of John, which reads: "On the evening of that first day of the week, when the disciples were together, with the doors locked for fear of the Jewish leaders, Jesus came and stood among them and said, 'Peace be with you!'"

This verse tells us about the first appearance of Jesus to his disciples after his resurrection. The disciples were gathered together in a room, with the doors locked for fear of the Jewish leaders. They were afraid and uncertain about what the future held for them. But in the midst of their fear and uncertainty, Jesus appeared to them and spoke words of peace.

We can learn a lot from this passage. Firstly, we see that even in our moments of fear and uncertainty, Jesus is always present with us. Just as he appeared to the disciples in that room, he is with us in our homes, our workplaces, and wherever we may find ourselves. We may feel like the doors of our hearts are locked, but Jesus can come through and bring us peace.

Secondly, we see that Jesus is not afraid of our fears. He knows our struggles and our weaknesses, and he is there to comfort and support us. The disciples were afraid of the Jewish leaders, but Jesus appeared to them anyway. He did not let their fears keep him away.

Finally, we see that Jesus brings us peace. The world can be a scary and uncertain place, but Jesus offers us a peace that the world cannot give. This peace comes from knowing that we are loved by God and that we have a purpose in life.

So, my friends, let us take comfort in this passage from John's Gospel. Let us remember that even in our darkest moments, Jesus is with us, offering us peace and comfort. Let us open the doors of our hearts to him, and allow him to fill us with his love and his peace. May the peace of Christ be with us always. Amen.

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