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01 September 2023

Embarking on a Transformative Journey: My World Youth Day Experience

In the heart of Lisbon, amidst a whirlwind of emotions, I embarked on a journey that would forever change my perspective on life and faith. World Youth Day in Lisbon was not just an event; it was a roller coaster of emotions, a pilgrimage that revealed the true essence of life's challenges and joys.

Picture this: a two-hour trek from the gymnasium we were lodged in to Parque Tejo, the destination of the event. The exhaustion was real, and the path wasn't easy. But what I learned was that life's journey isn't meant to be smooth all the time; it's a pilgrimage that shapes us. The camaraderie formed during the walk made it more than just a trek; it became a shared experience that brought us closer together.

My initial expectations were exceeded beyond measure. I had always yearned to witness the vitality of the Church through the eyes of young people. This experience did exactly that and more. It taught me that life is a voyage, and we are all in it together, supporting each other through its challenges.

The theme, "Mary arose and went with haste," resonated deeply within me. It wasn't about waiting; it was about taking action in the present. Mary's selflessness in rushing to assist Elizabeth showcased a sense of urgency, a willingness to prioritize others over oneself. Pope Francis's words during the vigil echoed this sentiment – Mary's joy was her mission, one she shared wholeheartedly. This theme inspired me to spread the joy I've received from my community and family, making it my mission to touch the lives of others.

Looking back, World Youth Day left an indelible impact on my life. It pushed me to step out of my comfort zone, connect with new people, and forge friendships. As I ventured alone, I discovered the power of community and unity. My faith was fortified; I learned to approach Christ with an open heart, realizing He's much more accessible than I'd ever imagined.

Empowerment for positive change was the essence of the event, and it ignited a fire within me. Leading youth meetings, using my talents for God's glory, sharing reflections on social media – these became my channels for contributing to my community. The desire to serve, to make a difference, burned brighter than ever. Praying the rosary with a global community through Worldwide Rosary became my way of connecting with the world and spreading positivity.

For those considering future World Youth Day participation, my advice is simple: if the desire is strong, seize the opportunity. Prepare to be transformed not only by the main events but also by the connections you form, the insights you gain from fellow participants, and the small moments that shape your journey. Remember to pack a reliable sleeping bag and a sleeping mat, and beyond that, embrace every moment.

World Youth Day isn't just an event; it's a transformative expedition of the heart and soul. It's a call to action, a pilgrimage that shows you the power of community, faith, and spreading joy. My journey in Lisbon was just the beginning, and I carry its lessons with me, driven to make positive changes in my community and the world around me.

Author: Michaela Cioffi

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