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05 June 2024

Resisting Criticism and Doubt



Have you ever felt like everyone around you just doesn't get it? Maybe you've poured your heart into something you believe in, only to have people question your sanity. Well, guess what? Even Jesus faced that.

Today, we're looking into Mark 3:20-35, where things get a little heated for Jesus. His family thinks he's gone off the deep end, and the teachers of the law are accusing him of being demon-possessed. Sound familiar?

Facing Criticism and Doubt

Let's be honest, criticism stings. It can make us question ourselves and even our faith. Here, Jesus is surrounded by people who should know him best, his family, and yet they completely misunderstand him. Imagine the disappointment, the feeling of being unheard.

The teachers of the law are another story. They're supposed to be religious authorities, and yet they're attacking Jesus with accusations. This can be even more confusing. How can you trust your faith when even the "experts" seem to be against you?

But here's the thing: Jesus doesn't crumble. He doesn't doubt his purpose. He responds by explaining that true family isn't about blood, but about those who are doing God's will. He exposes the lies of the teachers of law and clarifies his message.

How to Resist Criticism and Doubt

So, how do we can resist criticism and doubt when they come our way?

Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Know your foundation: Just like a strong building needs a solid foundation, our faith needs a strong foundation. Ground yourself in scripture, in prayer, and in a strong community of believers.
  • Don't be afraid to speak up: Jesus didn't shy away from explaining himself. If someone criticizes your faith, don't be afraid to explain what you believe and why. Do it respectfully, but confidently.
  • Find your tribe: Surround yourself with people who will support and encourage you in your faith. Having a strong community can make a huge difference when you're facing criticism.
  • Focus on God's will: Ultimately, we are here to serve God, not people. If you're following God's will, then the criticism and doubt don't matter as much.


Life is messy. There will be times when people doubt you, even criticize your faith. But remember, Jesus faced the same challenges. Stay rooted in your faith, find your support system, and focus on what truly matters: following God's will. And hey, if Jesus could get through it, so can you!

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