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01 April 2024

Don't Lose the Easter Joy: It's Yours to Share! - Pope Francis


Buona Pasqua! Even though Easter Sunday has passed, the joy of the Resurrection is a gift that keeps on giving. Today's reflection explores a beautiful message about embracing and sharing that joy.

The Gospel recounts the encounter of the women with the Risen Christ. Their emotions are palpable – "great joy" fills them as they race to spread the news (Matthew 28:8). This joy isn't just about a happy ending; it's a life-altering transformation.

Think about moments in your own life that sparked such overflowing happiness – a good grade, a sporting achievement, the birth of a child. Now imagine that joy amplified by the power of the Resurrection!

Jesus' victory over death isn't just a historical fact, it's a promise. He conquered darkness, offering us hope and a life filled with light. Every day becomes a step on a journey with no end, a constant reminder that new beginnings are always possible.

The message reminds us that this joy isn't reserved for a select few. It's a gift bestowed upon us at baptism. We, too, can encounter the Risen One and hear His comforting words, "Do not fear!" (Matthew 28:10).

So how do we hold onto this Easter joy? Just like the women, by actively seeking Christ. We find Him in the Eucharist, in the power of forgiveness, in prayer, and in acts of love towards others.

Remember, joy grows when shared. Let's be beacons of the Risen Christ, radiating the happiness of the Resurrection in all we do.

May Virgin Mary, who rejoiced in her Son's victory over death, guide us to be joyful witnesses, carrying the message of hope and transformation throughout the year.

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