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28 August 2023

Embracing Diversity and Empowering Growth: Luke Micallef's Inspiring Journey with The Call Ministries

Hey everyone,

I wanted to take a moment to share something really special with you all. Being a part of The Call Ministries has been an incredible journey for me, and I just can't help but share how much it has meant to me.

One of the things that has touched my heart the most is how inclusive our youth group is. No matter who you are or what challenges you might be facing, everyone is welcomed with open arms. It's not something you find everywhere, and it's made me feel like I truly belong.

The Call Ministries has been a place where I've grown not only spiritually but also as a person. Our Bible study sessions have helped me understand the scriptures better, and that's been a guiding light in my life. But it's not just about faith – it's about life skills too. The group has helped me understand the importance of life skills that we can use every day. It's like a holistic approach to growing up and becoming the best version of ourselves.

One role that I'm really proud of is being the treasurer of our organization. It's been an amazing opportunity to contribute in a meaningful way and learn important skills along the way.

And you know what? Learning to work in a team with people who come from all walks of life has been one of the most amazing things. The group has given me the chance to collaborate with others who have different perspectives and dynamics. It's been a real learning experience, and I feel like it's prepared me for the future in ways I never expected.

I just wanted to share this with all of you because The Call Ministries is like a second family to me. The support, the growth, and the love that I've found here are truly one of a kind. I'm so grateful to be a part of this community, and I can't wait to see where this journey takes all of us.

Until next time,


The Call Youth Group - Registration Form

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