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09 March 2024

Taming the Beast: Conquering Pride During Lent


Pride. It's a tricky one. On the surface, it can seem like healthy self-esteem. But dig a little deeper, and you'll find a darkness that can poison our lives and push us further from God. This Lent, let's confront this vice and embrace the virtue of humility.

The Ugly Underbelly of Pride

Pope Francis explains that pride isn't just about bragging. It's about an inflated sense of self-importance, a constant need to be recognized as superior. This "excessive splendour," as the Greeks called it, breeds a slew of problems:

  • Judging others: The proud person sees everyone else as beneath them.
  • Broken relationships: Pride isolates us, making it difficult to connect with others on a genuine level.
  • Rejection of God: At its core, pride is a rebellion against God's grace. We think we can go it alone, stealing the glory that rightfully belongs to Him.

The Signs of a Prideful Heart

How do we spot pride lurking in our own hearts? Here are some helpful pointers:

  • The Stiff Neck: This metaphor describes someone unwilling to bend or admit they might be wrong.
  • The Scornful Judge: The proud person constantly criticizes others, blind to their own faults.
  • The Overly Sensitive Ego: Any hint of criticism is seen as a major offense.

There's Hope! Humility is the Answer

The good news is, pride isn't an unbeatable foe. The antidote is clear: humility. True humility means recognizing our limitations and dependence on God's grace.

The passage mentions two powerful examples:

  • The Virgin Mary: In her Magnificat, Mary praises God who "scatters the proud in the thoughts of their hearts."
  • The Apostle Peter: Peter's initial arrogance gives way to humility and tears, paving the way for him to become a stronger disciple.

Your Lent Challenge: Embrace Humility

This Lent, let's challenge ourselves to dethrone pride and embrace humility. Here are some ways to get started:

  • Self-reflection: Spend time honestly examining your thoughts and actions. Where does pride creep in?
  • Seek feedback: Ask trusted friends or mentors for honest feedback on your blind spots.
  • Practice gratitude: Reflect on the blessings in your life, big and small. This fosters a sense of dependence on something greater than yourself.
  • Serve others: Shift your focus from yourself to those in need.

By actively seeking humility, we open ourselves to deeper relationships, a stronger connection with God, and a more fulfilling life. So let's embark on this Lenten journey together, leaving pride behind and embracing the beauty of humility.

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