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13 September 2023

Venom and Forgiveness: A Reflection on Healing by Nicolette Vella

No one dies from getting bitten by a snake.
It's their venom that kills you, can you understand my take?
You don't die from the bite but from the venom.
That poison- your resentment and bitterness; unless processed,
Will make you lose your inner momentum.

It will slowly affect and consume you.
Can you ask yourself, why do you need the people who've hurt you to say, "I've hurt you"?
Do you really need them to express how much it has hurt you?
What did it make you feel and do?

The reason people often find it so difficult to forgive,
Is the lack of acknowledgement that what has been done to them was wrong.

Please allow me to say this, as we walk along.
It was terribly unfair.
Believe me, I am aware.
I know it humiliated and hurt.
You didn't deserve to be betrayed, or be treated like dirt.

But please know this, it never affected your worth.
As a fellow wounded human, this is all I can give.
Do you think their apology will help you eliminate the cost of your suffering?

Using this subject as a reflection,
one can see that unforgiveness is a form of self protection.
Did you ever notice that metaphorically this is a transaction?
When one treats someone badly, they have a debt against their name.
God is neither blind nor tame.

Whatever happened, don't let their darkness manifest as yours, you are not to blame.
If you keep ruminating about it, you're indirectly allowing them to keep harming.
It's not worth it. You'll just keep mourning.

I know what they did to you was unfair.
You should not be healing from what they did to you, we all deserve warmth and care.
So when you feel like you're able to take a difficult step,
try to forgive but remember injustice is always to be condemned.
For you to feel light, not downtrodden and damned.

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