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12 February 2023

The Wisdom of Jesus - Mt 5:17-37


In the context of Matthew 5:17-37, Jesus is teaching his disciples about the importance of fulfilling the law and the prophets, rather than simply following the letter of the law. He is emphasizing the importance of a righteous heart and a sincere intention to live a life that pleases God.

In verses 17-20, Jesus states that he did not come to abolish the law and the prophets, but to fulfill them. He then goes on to explain how the righteousness expected of his followers goes beyond merely following the law, to encompass a deeper, more complete obedience to God.

In verses 21-26, Jesus teaches about the importance of inner righteousness and the dangers of anger and hatred. He emphasizes that it is not just external actions, but also the attitudes and motives of the heart, that matter to God.

In verses 27-30, Jesus stresses the importance of sexual purity and the dangers of lustful thoughts and actions. He is teaching that true righteousness extends to all aspects of life, including our thoughts and desires.

In verses 31-32, Jesus talks about divorce, emphasizing the sanctity of marriage and the importance of keeping one's vows.

In verses 33-37, Jesus teaches about the importance of truth-telling and the dangers of making false oaths. He emphasizes the importance of speaking truthfully and keeping one's word, even in difficult situations.

In conclusion, the wisdom contained in Matthew 5:17-37 is a call to live a life of integrity and righteousness, characterized by obedience to God, a pure heart, and a sincere commitment to doing what is right.

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