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19 February 2023

Lent and Fasting


Lent is a period of forty days leading up to Easter, during which many Christians observe a period of fasting, repentance, and spiritual discipline. Lent begins on Ash Wednesday and ends on Holy Saturday, the day before Easter Sunday. Fasting is often an important part of Lenten observance, as it can help to focus the mind and heart on spiritual matters.

Fasting during Lent can take many different forms, depending on an individual's personal convictions and circumstances. Some people choose to abstain from all food for a period of time, while others may give up certain foods or activities as a way of focusing their attention on God. Still, others may choose to fast from social media or other distractions, in order to create more space for reflection and prayer.

The purpose of fasting during Lent is to deepen one's relationship with God and to cultivate a spirit of repentance and self-discipline. By abstaining from food or other pleasures, we can become more aware of our dependence on God and more attuned to his will for our lives. Fasting can also help to purify our hearts and minds, enabling us to draw closer to God and experience his grace and mercy more fully.

In addition to fasting, many Christians also engage in other spiritual disciplines during Lent, such as prayer, Bible study, and acts of service. These practices can help to create a deeper sense of connection with God and with other believers, as we seek to follow Christ more faithfully and serve others with love and compassion.

Ultimately, the purpose of Lent and fasting is to draw us closer to God and to deepen our faith and trust in him. By embracing a spirit of repentance and self-discipline, we can open ourselves up to the transformative power of God's grace and become more fully conformed to the image of Christ.

Jesus' preparation for ministry - Mt 4, 1-11


Jesus' preparation for ministry is an important theme in the Gospels, and it is particularly evident in the account of his temptation in the wilderness as recorded in Matthew 4:1-11.

Before Jesus began his public ministry, he went into the wilderness to fast and pray for forty days and nights. This period of preparation was a time of spiritual testing and self-denial, as Jesus prepared himself for the work that lay ahead.

During his time in the wilderness, Jesus was tempted by the devil three times, but he resisted each temptation by relying on God's word and will. This demonstrates his faithfulness and commitment to his mission as the Messiah.

The preparation that Jesus underwent in the wilderness was not only physical but also spiritual. He was strengthened in his resolve to do the will of God, and he gained a deeper understanding of the challenges he would face in his ministry.

In addition to his time in the wilderness, Jesus also spent many years growing and developing as a person and as a follower of God. He learned the Scriptures, studied with rabbis and other teachers, and engaged in the life of his community. All of these experiences helped to prepare him for the ministry that he would undertake.

Moreover, Jesus' preparation was not just for his own sake but for the sake of others as well. He came to bring salvation to the world, and his preparation enabled him to fulfil that mission with great effectiveness and impact.

As followers of Jesus, we can learn from his example and seek to prepare ourselves for the work that God has called us to do. We can deepen our knowledge of the Scriptures, engage in spiritual disciplines such as prayer and fasting, and seek to grow in our understanding of God's will for our lives. By doing so, we can become better equipped to serve God and fulfil the mission that he has given us.

The power and authority of Jesus - Mt 4, 1-11


The power and authority of Jesus is a recurring theme throughout the New Testament, and it is particularly evident in the account of his temptation in the wilderness as recorded in Matthew 4:1-11.

In this passage, Satan offers to give Jesus all the kingdoms of the world if he will bow down and worship him. But Jesus refuses, saying, "Away from me, Satan! For it is written: 'Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.'" (Matthew 4:10, NIV)

This response demonstrates Jesus' complete rejection of the devil's temptations and his unwavering commitment to God's will. It also reveals Jesus' authority over the devil, as he commands him to leave his presence.

Throughout the Gospels, Jesus performs many miraculous acts that attest to his divine power and authority. He heals the sick, calms the storm, and raises the dead, demonstrating his control over the natural world. He also forgives sins, which was something only God had the authority to do, showing his divine authority over spiritual matters.

Moreover, Jesus' teachings reveal his authority as a teacher and interpreter of Scripture. His words carry weight and significance, and his teachings often challenge the conventional wisdom of his day. The people who heard him recognized his authority and were amazed by his wisdom and knowledge.

In summary, the power and authority of Jesus are evident in his teachings, his miracles, and his ability to resist temptation. He is the Son of God, and his authority is absolute and undeniable. As believers, we can trust in his power to transform our lives and guide us on the path of righteousness.

The Challenge of Forgiveness: Overcoming Hate with Love - Mt 5:38-48


The passage from Matthew 5:38-48 contains Jesus' teachings on loving one's enemies and forgiving those who have wronged us. This is a difficult and challenging message, but one that is essential to our faith and to our relationships with others.

The Importance of Forgiveness: Forgiveness is a central theme in the teachings of Jesus, and it is essential to our spiritual growth and our relationships with others. Forgiveness frees us from the burden of hate and resentment, and helps us to live in peace and harmony with others.

Overcoming Hate with Love: In a world that often seems to promote hate and division, Jesus' teachings on love and forgiveness are more important than ever. By loving our enemies and forgiving those who have wronged us, we can break down barriers and build bridges of understanding and compassion.

The Power of Forgiveness: Forgiveness is not just a feeling, but an act of the will. When we forgive, we choose to let go of our anger and bitterness and to extend love and mercy to those who have hurt us. This act of forgiveness has the power to heal wounds, restore relationships, and transform our lives and the world around us.

The challenge of forgiveness is a difficult one, but it is one that we must face if we want to live as faithful followers of Jesus. By overcoming hate with love, we can experience the fullness of God's grace and love, and bring healing and hope to a world that so desperately needs it.

12 February 2023

The Wisdom of Jesus - Mt 5:17-37


In the context of Matthew 5:17-37, Jesus is teaching his disciples about the importance of fulfilling the law and the prophets, rather than simply following the letter of the law. He is emphasizing the importance of a righteous heart and a sincere intention to live a life that pleases God.

In verses 17-20, Jesus states that he did not come to abolish the law and the prophets, but to fulfill them. He then goes on to explain how the righteousness expected of his followers goes beyond merely following the law, to encompass a deeper, more complete obedience to God.

In verses 21-26, Jesus teaches about the importance of inner righteousness and the dangers of anger and hatred. He emphasizes that it is not just external actions, but also the attitudes and motives of the heart, that matter to God.

In verses 27-30, Jesus stresses the importance of sexual purity and the dangers of lustful thoughts and actions. He is teaching that true righteousness extends to all aspects of life, including our thoughts and desires.

In verses 31-32, Jesus talks about divorce, emphasizing the sanctity of marriage and the importance of keeping one's vows.

In verses 33-37, Jesus teaches about the importance of truth-telling and the dangers of making false oaths. He emphasizes the importance of speaking truthfully and keeping one's word, even in difficult situations.

In conclusion, the wisdom contained in Matthew 5:17-37 is a call to live a life of integrity and righteousness, characterized by obedience to God, a pure heart, and a sincere commitment to doing what is right.

11 February 2023

The power of generosity - Mk 8:1-10


The story of the feeding of the 5,000 in Mark 8:1-10 is a powerful example of the power of generosity. Despite the disciples' concerns about having enough food to feed the large crowd, Jesus showed them that with faith and trust in God, they could overcome scarcity mindsets and believe that God would provide.

In this story, the people brought their meagre provisions to Jesus, and he used those small gifts to feed a multitude. This demonstrates the power of generosity and shows that even small acts of kindness can make a significant impact.

In the same way, we can use our resources and talents to make a difference in the world. We can choose to be generous with our time, money, and resources, knowing that even small acts of kindness can have a profound impact on others.

The story also highlights the importance of trusting in God's provision. When the disciples were concerned about having enough food, Jesus told them to "be careful, or your hearts will be weighed down with dissipation, drunkenness and the anxieties of life, and that day will close on you unexpectedly like a trap." (Mark 8:34). Instead, he encouraged them to put their faith in God, who always provides for their needs.

We can learn from this story to trust in God's provision, even in the face of difficulty or scarcity. We can choose to be generous and to use our resources to make a difference in the world, while relying on God's provision to sustain us.

10 February 2023

St Paul Shipwreck - Finding strength and hope through faith !

 The story of St. Paul's shipwreck on the island of Malta, as recorded in the Book of Acts in the New Testament, is an inspiring example of how even in the face of natural disasters, we can find strength, hope, and resilience through our faith.

When St. Paul and his companions were caught in a violent storm at sea, they faced seemingly insurmountable odds. Yet despite the danger and uncertainty they faced, they did not lose hope or despair. Instead, they turned to their faith and prayed for deliverance.

In the end, their prayers were answered and they were safely rescued and brought to the island of Malta. There, they encountered the kindness and hospitality of the people of the island, who provided them with food and shelter, and nursed them back to health.

In the same way, when we face natural disasters, it can be tempting to despair and lose hope. But like St. Paul and his companions, we can find strength, comfort, and resilience through our faith.

We can trust that even in the midst of the storm, God is with us, guiding us and protecting us. And like the people of Malta, we can choose to be a source of hope and comfort to others, offering help, support, and encouragement in their time of need.

So in the face of natural disasters, let us turn to our faith and trust in God, and let us be a source of hope and comfort to others, just as the people of Malta were to St. Paul and his companions.

06 February 2023

What is Repentance ?


Repentance is the act of acknowledging and regretting past wrongdoings and resolving to make amends and change one's behaviour in the future. It often involves a sense of remorse or sorrow for one's actions and a desire to seek forgiveness or make things right. In religious contexts, repentance is often seen as an essential step towards forgiveness and spiritual renewal.

05 February 2023

You are the light of the world - A city set on a hill cannot be hidden.


You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven." - Matthew 5:14-16

This passage from the Bible is a call to all believers to be a shining example of love, kindness, and faith in their daily lives. As followers of Christ, we are called to be a light in the darkness and to radiate God's love and truth to those around us.

In practical terms, this means living a life of integrity and generosity, and being a source of hope and encouragement to those we encounter. It means speaking up for what is right, even when it's not popular, and loving our neighbours as ourselves.

By shining our light, we can be a positive influence on the world around us and help to bring people closer to God. So let us strive to be a city set on a hill, illuminating the path for those who are searching for hope and truth.

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